- SLA centennial Conference, 14-17 June 2009, Washington D.C., USA
- I was invited to speak last year in Seattle and many would like to see me again.
- I'm in the Europe Chapter and Forestry Section of the Division of Environment & Resource Mgmt
- World Library and Information Conference, 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, 23-27 August 2009, Milan, Italy
- never been to this, but it is on my list because of these sessions:
- Agricultural Libraries Discussion Group Theme: "Worldwide Trends in Open Access to Agricultural Information"
- Cataloguing Section Theme: "New Principles, New Rules for New Catalogues"
- Information Technology Section Theme: "New repositories: architectures interoperability and data exchange"
- Science and Technology Libraries Section Theme: "Open Access to Science and Technology Research Worldwide: Strategies and Best Practices"
- XIIIth World Forestry Conference, 18-25 October 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- I missed the WFC in Canada which was regretted by many of my colleagues
- My session: 6.7 Forest information: Information services, libraries and networks. Forest terminology.
ISO 25964-2 Published
11 years ago